Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy February!

I am still alive, just had a really busy week last week and a really unpleasant cold the week before that. Since then I have:
1. Conducted a teaching seminar for the first time. It was about grammar. Two of the teachers travelled four hours to attend. I certainly hope they found it useful.
2. Recieved some Christmas presents, including two sweater dresses.
3. Stopped speaking to someone who I thought was a friend. It turns out that she is mean and backstabby and unreasonable.*
4. Been really cold.
5. Had everyone and their mother tell me that I am either too fat or too thin, to the point that I figure they balance each other out.
6. Watched the second season of 30 Rock.

I'll get back to Egypt soon. For now, horrifying student conversations: divorce edition!

Misha: We didn't get divorced. The court denied the appeal of my wife.

I would think that would be grounds for divorce. But I didn't say that because I am kind and sensitive.

The next is more of a horrifying teacher conversation. We will call this teacher "Teacher A."
Fyodor Pavlovich: I think one problem was that our ages are too different.
Teacher A: How old is she?
FP: Twenty-five.
A: Oh, that's ok. She's so young I'm sure she'll remarry very soon.
FP: ...
A: Sooo, have you got any questions about the homework?

I also had a creepy experience involving Dinosaur Comics, but it is late and I want to sleep, so I will write about it later.

* You know me. It's the unreasonable that really gets to me, but I'll be over it within a couple weeks.


vicmarcam said...

I'm glad that I could have something to do with numbers 2 and 6 on your list. Sorry you're cold. If only you weren't so thin, you'd have more insulation. Oh, wait! If only you weren't so fat... Who does these things? I'm assuming you mean Russians are commenting on your weight?
Ah, that teacher A! Once again, showing up in your blog with those crazy things she says. When will she learn?
I really want to hear your Dinosaur comics story. I have checked on the comics the last two days and I really like them. In fact, the first one you linked to reminded me of a conversation you and Cameron once had.
And lastly, get back to your Egypt story!

Unknown said...

It's a combination of Russians and foreigners, actually. My weight has nothing to do with it. It's a reflection of a) how the commenter feels about her/himself, and/or b) how the commenter would like me to feel about myself. And (b) is usually just a reflection of (a) anyway.

amy said...

I really want to hear about the creepy experience with Dinosaur Comics. I feel like T-Rex a lot.

vicmarcam said...

Actually, you've made me a fan of Dinosaur Comics now. I especially liked the Darwin one. I'm expecting your creepy experience has to do with a conversation you had that someone that appeared in the comic, since T-rex kind of reminds me of you, though I could see you taking the other role if you're talking to someone more T-rex-like than you are.
By the way, I'm embarrassed to tell you that I saw many screens of the comic before realizing that the picture never changes.