Friday, May 11, 2007

Today I was explaining to one class that they can't use "fall" in the present perfect continuous ("I have been falling") unless they find themselves in a bottomless pit because it's generally a short action ("I've fallen"). They, and every other Russian I've told this story to since, pointed out that it's okay to say "I've been falling in love," and I had to concede that it was, to which one student said, "so, love changes everything...even the grammar rules!"

I finally bought a dress for summer. I was about to give up for the day when I saw it, decided that I could at least try it on, and was surprised to find that it looked really good (this was confirmed by the friend I was shopping with, so it's not just my rampant narcissism).

The whole thing made me realize that I have an extremely predictable personal style. It involves boring hair, boring makeup, a boring, layered top, a boring, dark-colored or gray skirt, and "what are you wearing on your feet?!?" I know this because my first thought upon buying this dress was "what can I wear over this?" and my second was "now I need some orange shoes!"

I like this predictability, actually, because it will make all future shopping much easier.

In other, more important, news, Eurovision is tomorrow!


vicmarcam said...

As a blogger about Russia, I think you owe it to your audience to expain Eurovision. I know that it is a songwriting contest. Does everyone write in one language? Do the writers perform their own songs? Is this wildly popular or just a favorite of yours?

vicmarcam said...

I guess it's wildly popular, since less than twenty minutes into the BBC world news hour, there was quite a substantial report about the final results. This report did not include any kind of explanation of the contest, which leads me to believe that the entire world is expected to know about it. Of course, the BBC also reports Cricket results, so what do they know?

I forgot to tell you that I found your story about "love changes everything" very charming.

I hope you're enjoying your short Spring.