Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Russian word for "Mad Men theme party" is "жизнь"

Stuff I wanted to post about today includes, but is not limited to:
1. Murmansk (giant statue)
2. Eurovision! (distressing results)
3. Why I feel sorry for pinnipeds (no arms)
4. Inadvertently propositioning a student (text message)

But I'm going shopping tomorrow and maybe actually buy a new dress for the first time in ages, so that overrides everything.

True or false: I need this dress.

The picture is blurry because I didn't really want people to think I was a weirdo who takes pictures in the dressing room. It's the one on the right here.

a) True.
b) So very true.
c) Not untrue.
d) While I don't think "need" is the word I would use, the gist of what you're saying is true.
e) If they had arms, they wouldn't be pinnipeds.

True or false: What I actually need is this dress.

a) True.
b) So true.
c) It would be true if you were actually going to wear it as a sleeveless dress, but we all know you're not.
d) Why not both?
e) Doesn't Eurovision always have distressing results?


vicmarcam said...

vYou MUST buy the first one. It looks perfect on you. The second one, while cute, is a little short for the proportions of the dress.
You need that blue dress.

vicmarcam said...
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amy said...

you need the blue dress