Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Horrifying student conversations I

This is likely to become a regular feature. It practically is already, but now it gets it's own title.

Taken out of context:

Student: My wife was ill.
Me: Oh, thank goodness!

Context added:

M: How was your weekend?
S: It wasn't very good. I had a small problem.
M: I'm sorry to hear that.
S: Yes, my wife was kill.
[me, looking horrified by a) that last line, b) the fact that he described it as a "small problem" and c) that he was at work at all that day]
S: wife was ill.
M: Oh, thank goodness!


Patrick J. Vaz said...

Weren't you also horrified by his failure to use the past tense of "kill" correctly? I know I would be.

Unknown said...

Ha...maybe when I first came here, but if I were still horrified by things like that, then every student conversation would be a horrifying student conversation.